Difference between revisions of "Using CLIO Functions"


(Created page with "== Overview == There are several functions that have been created for use in the interface or other activity types that were included as part of the CLIO web application, maki...")
(6 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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== Overview ==
== Overview ==
There are several functions that have been created for use in the interface or other activity types that were included as part of the CLIO web application, making it so they can be integrated into new activity types.
There are several functions that have been created for use in the interface or other activity types that were included as part of the CLIO web application, making it so they can be integrated into new activity types.

=== Interface ===
=== Interface ===
These functions are used to control various underlying parts of the CLIO Interface.

==== getCurrentURL ====
==== getCurrentURL ====
Line 12: Line 15:


Line 33: Line 37:

=== removeBodyClassByPrefix ===
==== removeBodyClassByPrefix ====
''Description:'' Removes all classes from body that begin with a prefix.
''Description:'' Removes all classes from body that begin with a prefix.

Line 50: Line 54:


Line 57: Line 62:
(All classes that start with “theme_” will be removed from the “body” object.)
(All classes that start with “theme_” will be removed from the “body” object.)

=== removeSelectorClassByPrefix ===
==== removeSelectorClassByPrefix ====
''Description:'' Removes all classes from the selector that begin with a prefix.
''Description:'' Removes all classes from the selector that begin with a prefix.

Line 78: Line 83:

removeBodyClassByPrefix("#menu_content_wrapper", "menu_");
<code>removeBodyClassByPrefix("#menu_content_wrapper", "menu_");</code>

Line 85: Line 91:
(All classes beginning with “menu_” will be removed from the element with the id of “menu_content_wrapper”)
(All classes beginning with “menu_” will be removed from the element with the id of “menu_content_wrapper”)

=== applyTheme ===
==== applyTheme ====
''Description:'' Loads the selected theme from the CLIO theme folder and applies it, unless there is an accessibility contrast mode enabled.  This does not automatically remove existing theme classes and should be used in conjunction with removeBodyClassByPrefix(“theme_”).
''Description:'' Loads the selected theme from the CLIO theme folder and applies it, unless there is an accessibility contrast mode enabled.  This does not automatically remove existing theme classes and should be used in conjunction with removeBodyClassByPrefix(“theme_”).

Line 102: Line 108:


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=== AJAX ===
=== AJAX ===
These functions are used to asynchronously load and parse various types of data without needing to reload the web application through the use of AJAX (or AJAJ).
==== parseJSONContent ====
''Description:'' Returns an object parsed from a JSON file.
''Arguments:'' file
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|The JSON file to be loaded and parsed.
|Relative location from the CLIO JS directory.
    “Test”: “Content”
==== loadHTML ====
''Description:'' Returns an HTML string parsed from an HTML file.
''Arguments:'' file
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|The HTML file to be loaded and parsed.
|Relative location from the CLIO JS directory.
<code>var template = loadHTML(“template.html”);</code>
(Creates a variable containing the contents of the “template.html” file, and uses it to replace the HTML content of the “activity_content” container.)
==== parseDirectory ====
''Description:'' Returns an array of strings containing the name of each file in a directory.
''Arguments:'' directory
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|The directory to be parsed.
|Relative location from the CLIO JS directory.
====== <code>var directory_contents = parseDirectory(“contents/”);</code> ======
==== loadScript ====
''Description:'' Loads a script from a URL before adding it to the DOM and initializing it for use.
''Arguments:'' url
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|The JavaScript file to be loaded.
|Relative location from the CLIO JS directory.
(The “test.js” JavaScript file is loaded and appended to the “Head” element.)

=== Rich Text ===
=== Rich Text ===
These functions are used to parse the BBCode-like format that the interface uses to encode rich text into plain text.
==== BBCodeParser.process ====
''Description:'' Decodes the BBCode-like tag system into more usable HTML.
''Arguments:'' content
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|A string to be decoded into HTML.
|Text with embedded BBCode tags
<code>BBCodeParser.process(“[p][b]Title[/b][i]This[/i] is a test.[/p]”)</code>
<nowiki><p><b>Title</b></nowiki><nowiki><i>This</i></nowiki> is a test.<nowiki></p></nowiki>

=== Settings ===
=== Settings ===
These functions are used to get and set various settings in LocalStorage.  These are use specifically by the Settings menu.
==== clearSettings ====
''Description:'' Resets all settings by clearing the HTML5 LocalStorage cache.
''Arguments:'' none
(The LocalStorage cache is emptied.)
==== getSetting ====
''Description:'' Retrieves a setting from the LocalStorage cache by its name, or returns a default if field is empty.
''Arguments:'' setting_name, setting_default
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|A unique identifier used to store a string in the LocalStorage cache.
|Value returned when there is nothing found in the LocalStorage cache.
==== setSetting ====
''Description:'' Saves a setting in the LocalStorage cache by a unique name.
''Arguments:'' setting_name, user_setting
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|A unique identifier used to store a string in the LocalStorage cache.
|A string to be in the LocalStorage cache under the above name.

=== Accessibility ===
=== Accessibility ===
These functions are used to get and set various accessibility settings in SessionStorage.  These are use specifically by the Accessibility menu.
==== clearAccessability ====
''Description:'' Manually resets accessibility options by returning them to defaults.  This is used by the Accessibility menu "Reset Accessibility button" to reset options without reloading the page.
''Arguments:'' none
(All accessibility settings are returned to their default states and the dropdown menus are updated.)
==== getAccessibility ====
''Description:'' Retrieves an accessibility setting from the SessionStorage cache by its name, or returns a default if field is empty.
''Arguments:'' setting_name, setting_default
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|A unique identifier used to store a string in the SessionStorage cache.
|Returned when there is nothing found in the SessionStorage cache.
==== setAccessibility ====
''Description:'' Saves an accessibility setting in the SessionStorage cache by a unique name.
''Arguments:'' setting_name, user_setting
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|A unique identifier used to store a string in the SessionStorage cache.
|A string to be in the SessionStorage cache under the above name.

=== LocalStorage ===
=== LocalStorage ===
These functions are used to get and set strings and JSON objects from the HTML LocalStorage cache.  The LocalStorage cache persists between different sessions, even if the web browser is closed.
==== getLocal ====
''Description:'' Retrieves a string from the LocalStorage cache by a unique name, or returns a default if there is nothing found in the cache.
''Arguments:'' name, setting_default
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|A unique identifier used to store a string in the LocalStorage cache.
|Returned when there is nothing found in the LocalStorage cache.
====== <code>setLocal(“test_setting”,”true”)</code> ======
====== <code>getLocal(“test_setting”,”false”)</code> ======
==== setLocal ====
''Description:'' Saves a string to the LocalStorage cache by a unique name.
''Arguments:'' name, user_setting
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|A unique identifier used to store a string in the LocalStorage cache.
|A string to be saved to the LocalStorage cache by the unique identifier entered above.
==== getLocalObject ====
''Description:'' Retrieves an object from the LocalStorage cache by a unique name, or returns a default if there is nothing found in the cache.
''Arguments:'' name, setting_default
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|A unique identifier used to store a string in the LocalStorage cache.
|A default string that is returned when there is nothing found in the LocalStorage cache.
<code>var object_variable = {“key”:”value”};</code>
==== setLocalObject ====
''Description:'' Saves an object to the LocalStorage cache by a unique name.
''Arguments:'' name, user_setting
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|A unique identifier used to store a string in the LocalStorage cache.
|An object to be saved to the LocalStorage cache under the unique name selected above.
<code>var object_variable = {“key”:”value”};</code>

=== SessionStorage ===
=== SessionStorage ===
These functions are used to get and set strings and JSON objects within the HTML SessionStorage cache.  The SessionStorage cache exists only for the current session of the application, such as a single tab or window, and is cleared when ended.
==== getSession ====
''Description:'' Retrieves a string from the SessionStorage cache by a unique name, or returns a default if there is nothing found in the cache.
''Arguments:'' name, setting_default
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|A unique identifier used to store a string in the SessionStorage cache.
|A default string that is returned when there is nothing found in the SessionStorage cache.
==== setSession ====
''Description:'' Saves a string to the SessionStorage cache by a unique name.
''Arguments:'' name, user_setting
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|A unique identifier used to store a string in the SessionStorage cache.
|A string to be saved to the SessionStorage cache by the unique identifier entered above.
==== getSessionObject ====
''Description:'' Retrieves an object from the SessionStorage cache by a unique name, or returns a default if there is nothing found in the cache.
''Arguments:'' name, setting_default
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|A unique identifier used to store a string in the SessionStorage cache.
|A default string that is returned when there is nothing found in the SessionStorage cache.
<code>var object_variable = {“key”:”value”};</code>
==== setSessionObject ====
''Description:'' Saves an object to the SessionStorage cache by a unique name.
''Arguments:'' name, user_setting
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|A unique identifier used to store a string in the SessionStorage cache.
|An object to be saved to the SessionStorage cache under the unique name selected above.
====== <code>var object_variable = {“key”:”value”};</code> ======
====== <code>setSessionObject(“test_object”,object_variable);</code> ======
====== <code>getSessionObject(“test_object”,””);</code> ======

=== Program ===
=== Program ===
These functions are used to load new CLIO programs and information about them.
==== requestPrograms ====
''Description:'' Retrieves an array with the name of each Program available within the CLIO “content” folder.
''Arguments:'' none
==== loadProgramDetails ====
''Description:'' Retrieves an object containing the information stored within a Program’s “@About.json” file.
''Arguments:'' program
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|Unique name of a Program contained within the CLIO “content” folder.
"Institution":"CLIO Museums",
"Program":"Getting Started",
"Description":"Learn more about the different types of activities available on the kiosk.",
"About":"The CLIO kiosk can be used to create pop-up exhibits with interactive activities.",

=== Activity ===
=== Activity ===
These functions are used to load activities and the information about them.  They can also be used to create new types of meta activities.
==== requestActivities ====
''Description:'' Retrieves an array containing the name of all non-hidden activities within a Program’s “@Activities” folder.
''Arguments:'' program
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|Unique name of a Program contained within the CLIO “content” folder.
==== loadActivityDetails ====
''Arguments:'' program, activity
''Description:'' Retrieves an object containing the data within an Activity’s configuration JSON file.
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|Unique name of a Program contained within the CLIO “content” folder.
|Unique name of an Activity contained within the Programs “@Activity” folder.
"Exhibit":"MuseWeb 2020"
"Title":"Meta Activity",
"Description": "Link different activities together into one meta activity.",
"Description":"Custom Description 1",
"Description":"Custom Description 2",
"Description":"Custom Description 3",
"Description":"Custom Description 4",
==== loadActivity ====
''Description:'' Configures the CLIO interface to display a fullscreen interactive activity, used for both Facilitator Mode and Exhibit Mode.
''Arguments:'' program, activity
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|Unique name of a Program contained within the CLIO “content” folder.
|Unique name of an Activity contained within the Programs “@Activity” folder.
(The CLIO Interface menu is configured to show a Home button on the left side, as well as an info and accessibility button on the right.  If the interface is in Facilitator Mode, there is also a quick button to add and remove the activity from Exhibit Mode.  The activity is loaded into the “activity_content” container which fills the rest of the screen.)
==== returnHome ====
''Description:'' Clears and hides the activity container before returning to the appropriate interface for either Facilitator Mode or Exhibit Mode.
''Arguments'': none
(The CLIO Interface returns to the appropriate interface for the current Mode.  If in Exhibit Mode, the carousel is displayed.  If in Facilitator Mode, the Activities menu is displayed.)
==== getActivityTypes ====
''Description:'' Returns an object containing the unique identifier of each available Activity Type, which also contains the friendly title and its description.
''Arguments:'' none
    "AnnotatedImage": {
        "Name": "Annotated Image",
        "Description": "[p]This activity superimposes two images over each other, with a divider that can be dragged to show the visual difference between them. By default, this activity will generate small buttons at the specified coordinates that can be used to open full screen pop-up displays with rich text content.  The buttons can also be hidden, creating customizable hot areas that open the corresponding informational pop-up when touched.  You can also choose to enable a ‘hint’ button that will reveal these hot areas to the user if touched.  This activity can be used to compare two disparate images, overlay new information on an image, or show different views of the same object.[/p]"

=== Audience ===
=== Audience ===
These functions are used to load information about the audiences that are tied to a Program.
==== getAudiences ====
''Description:'' Returns an object containing the unique identifier of each available Audience for the selected Program, which also contains the friendly title and its description.
''Arguments:'' program
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|Unique name of a Program contained within the CLIO “content” folder.
    "newbie": {
        "Name": "New to Tech",
        "Description": "[p]Activities are designed for people who don't have much previous experience with technology.[/p]"
    "techie": {
        "Name": "Tech Enthusiast",
        "Description": "[p]Activities are designed for people who have a foundational understanding of collection of difference technologies.[/p]"
    "coder": {
        "Name": "Tech Developer",
        "Description": "[p]Activities are designed for people who have written code and developed programs.[/p]"

=== Discussions ===
=== Discussions ===
These functions are used to load discussions that are displayed in the Facilitation menu when in Facilitator Mode.
==== requestFacilitationDiscussions ====
''Description:'' Retrieves an array containing the name of all non-hidden activities within a Program’s “@Activities” folder.
''Arguments:'' program
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|Unique name of a Program contained within the CLIO “content” folder.
==== loadDiscussionDetails ====
''Description:'' Retrieves an object containing the data stored within the specific Discussions JSON file.
''Arguments:'' program, discussion
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|Unique name of a Program contained within the CLIO “content” folder.
|Unique name of a discussion JSON file contained within the Programs “@Activity” folder.
    "Name": "Hardware",
    "Description": "[p]What kind of hardware went into making this kiosk?[/p]",
    "Discussion": {
        "Basic": "[p]This is a basic explainer of open hardware.  3D printing was also used to make the case, which is a combination of open source software and open hardware.[/p]",
        "Advanced": "[p]This is a more indepth explainer of the filament used; PLA and TPU.  They are biodegradable.   We use parts provided primarily by Raspberry Pi and Adafruit.[/p]"

=== Scrollbars ===
=== Scrollbars ===
These functions are used to load the custom scrollbar.
==== initializeContainerScrollBar ====
''Description:'' Initializes the custom interface scrollbar on the selected container.
''Arguments:'' container, show_scrollbar, auto_dragger_length, show_scroll_buttons
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|ID of the container to create the scrollbar.
|Enable the scrollbar by default, even when not in use.
|"true" or "false"
|Enable the scrollbar to resize based on the amount of content in the container.
|"true" or "false"
|Enable the scroll buttons at the top and bottom of the scroll bar.
|"true" or "false"
(A scrollbar is added to the "#activity_content" container with a scroll bar, automatically sized dragger bar and scroll buttons.)
==== destroyScrollbar ====
''Description:'' Destroys the custom interface scrollbar around the selected container.
''Arguments:'' container
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|ID of the container to destroy the scrollbar.
(The vertical scrollbar around the container with the ID of “activity_content” is destroyed.)

=== Look Closer ===
=== Look Closer ===
These functions are used to create and destroy Look Closer pop-ups, which are used within the interface for prompts and modal windows, as well as by activity types to display rich text and media.
==== createLookCloserPopUp ====
''Description:'' Creates a Look Closer pop-up window that covers the full screen.
''Arguments:'' options
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|An object containing the configuration settings for the Look Closer window.
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|Configure the display of the header.
|"default", "success", "warning", or "error"
|A plain text string to display at the top of the pop-up.
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|Configure the scrollbar.
|“true”,”false”, or ”auto”
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|What is the interaction paradigm?
|"acknowledge", "accept_cancel", "confirm_deny", "custom"
|A prefix to be added to the ID of all toolbar buttons, allowing for specialized events for Look Closer toolbar buttons.
|When Type is set to ‘custom’, this can be used to place HTML into the Look Closer toolbar to add custom buttons or displays.
|HTML String
|Enable or disable a close button in the top right corner.
|"true" or "false"
|Enable or disable swipe/drag to close.
|"true" or "false"
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|What is the type of content for this pop-up?
|"html", "richtext", or "gallery"
|The content to be displayed.
|This required content of this variable is dependent on the type defined above.
{| class="wikitable"
!Expected Parameter
|What is the type of content for this pop-up?
|A string containing HTML code.
|The content to be displayed.
|A string containing the BBCode-like rich text encoding.
|An array of objects, each containing a “src” and “caption”.
  "src": “relative”/location.jpg”,
  "caption": “Plain Text”
  "src": “relative”/location.jpg”,
  "caption": “Plain Text”
<code>var options =</code>
<code>  "Header":</code>
<code>  {</code>
<code>    "Style":"error",</code>
<code>    "Text":"Test"</code>
<code>  },</code>
<code>  "Scrollbar":false,</code>
<code>  "Interaction":</code>
<code>  {</code>
<code>    "Type”:”confirm_deny”,</code>
<code>    "Prefix":"error_”,</code>
<code>    “Swipe”:”false”,</code>
<code>    “Close”:”true”</code>
<code>  },</code>
<code>  "Content":</code>
<code>  {</code>
<code>    "Type":"html",</code>
<code>    "Data":'<nowiki><b>Test</b></nowiki>'</code>
<code>  }</code>
==== destroyLookCloserPopUp ====
''Description:'' Destroys any open Look Closer pop-ups.
''Arguments:'' none
(Any open Look Closer pop-ups are destroyed.)

Latest revision as of 19:16, 31 October 2022

Google material book.png


There are several functions that have been created for use in the interface or other activity types that were included as part of the CLIO web application, making it so they can be integrated into new activity types.


These functions are used to control various underlying parts of the CLIO Interface.


Description: Returns an object with information about the current URL.

Arguments: none





    "url": "",

    "base": "",

    "hash": "",

    "program": "NICOToothSleuth",

    "activity": "pathfinder",

    "menu": ""



Description: Removes all classes from body that begin with a prefix.

Arguments: prefix

Argument Description Expected Parameter
prefix The prefix for the classes to be removed from the body element. String




(All classes that start with “theme_” will be removed from the “body” object.)


Description: Removes all classes from the selector that begin with a prefix.

Arguments: selector, prefix

Argument Description Expected Parameter
selector An ID (“#unique_id”) or class (“.class”) selector. Valid element class or id
prefix The prefix for the classes to be removed from the selected element. String


removeBodyClassByPrefix("#menu_content_wrapper", "menu_");


(All classes beginning with “menu_” will be removed from the element with the id of “menu_content_wrapper”)


Description: Loads the selected theme from the CLIO theme folder and applies it, unless there is an accessibility contrast mode enabled.  This does not automatically remove existing theme classes and should be used in conjunction with removeBodyClassByPrefix(“theme_”).

Arguments: theme

Argument Description Expected Parameter
theme The name of the theme, not including the “theme_” prefix. String




(Loads the “theme_default.css” stylesheet from the CLIO web application’s “theme” folder, contained within the “css” folder.  Then, CLIO will verify that an accessibility contrast mode is not enabled before applying the “theme_default” class to the “body” element.)


These functions are used to asynchronously load and parse various types of data without needing to reload the web application through the use of AJAX (or AJAJ).


Description: Returns an object parsed from a JSON file.

Arguments: file

Argument Description Expected Parameter
file The JSON file to be loaded and parsed. Relative location from the CLIO JS directory.





    “Test”: “Content”



Description: Returns an HTML string parsed from an HTML file.

Arguments: file

Argument Description Expected Parameter
file The HTML file to be loaded and parsed. Relative location from the CLIO JS directory.


var template = loadHTML(“template.html”);



(Creates a variable containing the contents of the “template.html” file, and uses it to replace the HTML content of the “activity_content” container.)


Description: Returns an array of strings containing the name of each file in a directory.

Arguments: directory

Argument Description Expected Parameter
directory The directory to be parsed. Relative location from the CLIO JS directory.


var directory_contents = parseDirectory(“contents/”);








Description: Loads a script from a URL before adding it to the DOM and initializing it for use.

Arguments: url

Argument Description Expected Parameter
url The JavaScript file to be loaded. Relative location from the CLIO JS directory.




(The “test.js” JavaScript file is loaded and appended to the “Head” element.)

Rich Text

These functions are used to parse the BBCode-like format that the interface uses to encode rich text into plain text.


Description: Decodes the BBCode-like tag system into more usable HTML.

Arguments: content

Argument Description Expected Parameter
content A string to be decoded into HTML. Text with embedded BBCode tags


BBCodeParser.process(“[p][b]Title[/b][i]This[/i] is a test.[/p]”)


<p><b>Title</b><i>This</i> is a test.</p>


These functions are used to get and set various settings in LocalStorage.  These are use specifically by the Settings menu.


Description: Resets all settings by clearing the HTML5 LocalStorage cache.

Arguments: none




(The LocalStorage cache is emptied.)


Description: Retrieves a setting from the LocalStorage cache by its name, or returns a default if field is empty.

Arguments: setting_name, setting_default

Argument Description Expected Parameter
setting_name A unique identifier used to store a string in the LocalStorage cache. String
setting_default Value returned when there is nothing found in the LocalStorage cache. String







Description: Saves a setting in the LocalStorage cache by a unique name.

Arguments: setting_name, user_setting

Argument Description Expected Parameter
setting_name A unique identifier used to store a string in the LocalStorage cache. String
user_setting A string to be in the LocalStorage cache under the above name. String







These functions are used to get and set various accessibility settings in SessionStorage.  These are use specifically by the Accessibility menu.


Description: Manually resets accessibility options by returning them to defaults.  This is used by the Accessibility menu "Reset Accessibility button" to reset options without reloading the page.

Arguments: none




(All accessibility settings are returned to their default states and the dropdown menus are updated.)


Description: Retrieves an accessibility setting from the SessionStorage cache by its name, or returns a default if field is empty.

Arguments: setting_name, setting_default

Argument Description Expected Parameter
setting_name A unique identifier used to store a string in the SessionStorage cache. String
setting_default Returned when there is nothing found in the SessionStorage cache. String







Description: Saves an accessibility setting in the SessionStorage cache by a unique name.

Arguments: setting_name, user_setting

Argument Description Expected Parameter
setting_name A unique identifier used to store a string in the SessionStorage cache. String
user_setting A string to be in the SessionStorage cache under the above name. String







These functions are used to get and set strings and JSON objects from the HTML LocalStorage cache.  The LocalStorage cache persists between different sessions, even if the web browser is closed.


Description: Retrieves a string from the LocalStorage cache by a unique name, or returns a default if there is nothing found in the cache.

Arguments: name, setting_default

Argument Description Expected Parameter
name A unique identifier used to store a string in the LocalStorage cache. String
setting_default Returned when there is nothing found in the LocalStorage cache. String






Description: Saves a string to the LocalStorage cache by a unique name.

Arguments: name, user_setting

Argument Description Expected Parameter
name A unique identifier used to store a string in the LocalStorage cache. String
user_setting A string to be saved to the LocalStorage cache by the unique identifier entered above. String







Description: Retrieves an object from the LocalStorage cache by a unique name, or returns a default if there is nothing found in the cache.

Arguments: name, setting_default

Argument Description Expected Parameter
name A unique identifier used to store a string in the LocalStorage cache. String
setting_default A default string that is returned when there is nothing found in the LocalStorage cache. String


var object_variable = {“key”:”value”};






Description: Saves an object to the LocalStorage cache by a unique name.

Arguments: name, user_setting

Argument Description Expected Parameter
name A unique identifier used to store a string in the LocalStorage cache. String
user_setting An object to be saved to the LocalStorage cache under the unique name selected above. String


var object_variable = {“key”:”value”};






These functions are used to get and set strings and JSON objects within the HTML SessionStorage cache.  The SessionStorage cache exists only for the current session of the application, such as a single tab or window, and is cleared when ended.


Description: Retrieves a string from the SessionStorage cache by a unique name, or returns a default if there is nothing found in the cache.

Arguments: name, setting_default

Argument Description Expected Parameter
name A unique identifier used to store a string in the SessionStorage cache. String
setting_default A default string that is returned when there is nothing found in the SessionStorage cache. String







Description: Saves a string to the SessionStorage cache by a unique name.

Arguments: name, user_setting

Argument Description Expected Parameter
name A unique identifier used to store a string in the SessionStorage cache. String
user_setting A string to be saved to the SessionStorage cache by the unique identifier entered above. String







Description: Retrieves an object from the SessionStorage cache by a unique name, or returns a default if there is nothing found in the cache.

Arguments: name, setting_default

Argument Description Expected Parameter
name A unique identifier used to store a string in the SessionStorage cache. String
setting_default A default string that is returned when there is nothing found in the SessionStorage cache. String


var object_variable = {“key”:”value”};






Description: Saves an object to the SessionStorage cache by a unique name.

Arguments: name, user_setting

Argument Description Expected Parameter
name A unique identifier used to store a string in the SessionStorage cache. String
user_setting An object to be saved to the SessionStorage cache under the unique name selected above. String


var object_variable = {“key”:”value”};




These functions are used to load new CLIO programs and information about them.


Description: Retrieves an array with the name of each Program available within the CLIO “content” folder.

Arguments: none






Description: Retrieves an object containing the information stored within a Program’s “@About.json” file.

Arguments: program

Argument Description Expected Parameter
program Unique name of a Program contained within the CLIO “content” folder. String





"Institution":"CLIO Museums",

"Program":"Getting Started",

"Description":"Learn more about the different types of activities available on the kiosk.",

"About":"The CLIO kiosk can be used to create pop-up exhibits with interactive activities.",




These functions are used to load activities and the information about them.  They can also be used to create new types of meta activities.


Description: Retrieves an array containing the name of all non-hidden activities within a Program’s “@Activities” folder.

Arguments: program

Argument Description Expected Parameter
program Unique name of a Program contained within the CLIO “content” folder. String





















Arguments: program, activity

Description: Retrieves an object containing the data within an Activity’s configuration JSON file.

Argument Description Expected Parameter
program Unique name of a Program contained within the CLIO “content” folder. String
activity Unique name of an Activity contained within the Programs “@Activity” folder. String










"Exhibit":"MuseWeb 2020"









"Title":"Meta Activity",


"Description": "Link different activities together into one meta activity.",







"Description":"Custom Description 1",






"Description":"Custom Description 2",






"Description":"Custom Description 3",






"Description":"Custom Description 4",







Description: Configures the CLIO interface to display a fullscreen interactive activity, used for both Facilitator Mode and Exhibit Mode.

Arguments: program, activity

Argument Description Expected Parameter
program Unique name of a Program contained within the CLIO “content” folder. String
activity Unique name of an Activity contained within the Programs “@Activity” folder. String




(The CLIO Interface menu is configured to show a Home button on the left side, as well as an info and accessibility button on the right.  If the interface is in Facilitator Mode, there is also a quick button to add and remove the activity from Exhibit Mode.  The activity is loaded into the “activity_content” container which fills the rest of the screen.)


Description: Clears and hides the activity container before returning to the appropriate interface for either Facilitator Mode or Exhibit Mode.

Arguments: none




(The CLIO Interface returns to the appropriate interface for the current Mode.  If in Exhibit Mode, the carousel is displayed.  If in Facilitator Mode, the Activities menu is displayed.)


Description: Returns an object containing the unique identifier of each available Activity Type, which also contains the friendly title and its description.

Arguments: none





    "AnnotatedImage": {

        "Name": "Annotated Image",

        "Description": "[p]This activity superimposes two images over each other, with a divider that can be dragged to show the visual difference between them. By default, this activity will generate small buttons at the specified coordinates that can be used to open full screen pop-up displays with rich text content.  The buttons can also be hidden, creating customizable hot areas that open the corresponding informational pop-up when touched.  You can also choose to enable a ‘hint’ button that will reveal these hot areas to the user if touched.  This activity can be used to compare two disparate images, overlay new information on an image, or show different views of the same object.[/p]"




These functions are used to load information about the audiences that are tied to a Program.


Description: Returns an object containing the unique identifier of each available Audience for the selected Program, which also contains the friendly title and its description.

Arguments: program

Argument Description Expected Parameter
program Unique name of a Program contained within the CLIO “content” folder. String





    "newbie": {

        "Name": "New to Tech",

        "Description": "[p]Activities are designed for people who don't have much previous experience with technology.[/p]"


    "techie": {

        "Name": "Tech Enthusiast",

        "Description": "[p]Activities are designed for people who have a foundational understanding of collection of difference technologies.[/p]"


    "coder": {

        "Name": "Tech Developer",

        "Description": "[p]Activities are designed for people who have written code and developed programs.[/p]"




These functions are used to load discussions that are displayed in the Facilitation menu when in Facilitator Mode.


Description: Retrieves an array containing the name of all non-hidden activities within a Program’s “@Activities” folder.

Arguments: program

Argument Description Expected Parameter
program Unique name of a Program contained within the CLIO “content” folder. String















Description: Retrieves an object containing the data stored within the specific Discussions JSON file.

Arguments: program, discussion

Argument Description Expected Parameter
program Unique name of a Program contained within the CLIO “content” folder. String
discussion Unique name of a discussion JSON file contained within the Programs “@Activity” folder. String





    "Name": "Hardware",

    "Description": "[p]What kind of hardware went into making this kiosk?[/p]",

    "Discussion": {

        "Basic": "[p]This is a basic explainer of open hardware.  3D printing was also used to make the case, which is a combination of open source software and open hardware.[/p]",

        "Advanced": "[p]This is a more indepth explainer of the filament used; PLA and TPU.  They are biodegradable.   We use parts provided primarily by Raspberry Pi and Adafruit.[/p]"




These functions are used to load the custom scrollbar.


Description: Initializes the custom interface scrollbar on the selected container.

Arguments: container, show_scrollbar, auto_dragger_length, show_scroll_buttons

Argument Description Expected Parameter
container ID of the container to create the scrollbar. String
show_scrollbar Enable the scrollbar by default, even when not in use. "true" or "false"
auto_dragger_length Enable the scrollbar to resize based on the amount of content in the container. "true" or "false"
show_scroll_buttons Enable the scroll buttons at the top and bottom of the scroll bar. "true" or "false"




(A scrollbar is added to the "#activity_content" container with a scroll bar, automatically sized dragger bar and scroll buttons.)


Description: Destroys the custom interface scrollbar around the selected container.

Arguments: container

Argument Description Expected Parameter
container ID of the container to destroy the scrollbar. String




(The vertical scrollbar around the container with the ID of “activity_content” is destroyed.)

Look Closer

These functions are used to create and destroy Look Closer pop-ups, which are used within the interface for prompts and modal windows, as well as by activity types to display rich text and media.


Description: Creates a Look Closer pop-up window that covers the full screen.

Arguments: options

Argument Description Expected Parameter
options An object containing the configuration settings for the Look Closer window. Object
Argument Description Expected Parameter
Style Configure the display of the header. "default", "success", "warning", or "error"
Text A plain text string to display at the top of the pop-up. String
Argument Description Expected Parameter
Scrollbar Configure the scrollbar. “true”,”false”, or ”auto”
Argument Description Expected Parameter
Type What is the interaction paradigm? "acknowledge", "accept_cancel", "confirm_deny", "custom"
Prefix A prefix to be added to the ID of all toolbar buttons, allowing for specialized events for Look Closer toolbar buttons. String
HTML When Type is set to ‘custom’, this can be used to place HTML into the Look Closer toolbar to add custom buttons or displays. HTML String
Close Enable or disable a close button in the top right corner. "true" or "false"
Swipe Enable or disable swipe/drag to close. "true" or "false"
Argument Description Expected Parameter
Type What is the type of content for this pop-up? "html", "richtext", or "gallery"
Data The content to be displayed. This required content of this variable is dependent on the type defined above.
Argument Description Expected Parameter
html What is the type of content for this pop-up? A string containing HTML code.
richtext The content to be displayed. A string containing the BBCode-like rich text encoding.
gallery An array of objects, each containing a “src” and “caption”.



  "src": “relative”/location.jpg”,

  "caption": “Plain Text”



  "src": “relative”/location.jpg”,

  "caption": “Plain Text”




var options =























Description: Destroys any open Look Closer pop-ups.

Arguments: none




(Any open Look Closer pop-ups are destroyed.)

Installation Look and Feel
Interaction Modes Developing Activity Types
Creating an Interactive Framework
Integrating CLIO Contribute