CLIO Compendium


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We created the CLIO to be a touchstone for non-profit institutions who are interested in adding digital interactives to their offerings, but don't know where to begin. We want to work with directors, educators, designers, developers, and librarians. We want to help big institutions, small institutions, independent teams and individuals. By offering your knowledge to the CLIO wiki, we can build a community that support everyone.



Design is the process used to create plans and specifications for the construction or implementation of something before it is built or made. It can also refer to the result of the design process. There are many design philosophies and disciplines regarding the considerations that must be made during the design process. This subject is about more than aesthetics, spanning topics like objective, function, economics, sociocultural inclusivity, and accessibility.

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A museum is a public institution that conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits a collection of artifacts or other objects that are of artistic, cultural, historic or scientific importance[1]. Defining a museum's audience is a crucial step in understanding its visitors and the public that it seeks to serve[2].

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A library is a collection of resources that is maintained by information professionals who provide access in a variety of formats for a diverse audience[3].

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The Open Movement

Open data can be freely used, modified, and shared by anyone for any purpose[4]. The goal of the open movement is to work towards solving problems through transparency, collaboration, re-use and shared access[5].

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Computing and Electronics

Electronics control the flow of electrical currents with the purpose of information processing[6]. These electronics are grouped together into larger and larger electronics systems, such as transistors, diodes, integrated circuits and computer systems.


Manufacturing is the production of goods through the use of tools, machinery or other processes that turn materials into a final product.

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Design The Open Movement
Museums Computing and Electronics
Libraries Manufacturing