Difference between revisions of "CLIO Facilitator Guide"


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File:CLIO Activity Preview - Selected Activity.png|alt=CLIO Activity Preview - Selected Activity
File:CLIO Activity Preview - Selected Activity.png|alt=CLIO Activity Preview - Selected Activity
The <span class="material-icons">dvr</span> Activities menu lets you preview Activities by tapping on them, and then select them for ‘Exhibit Mode’ by tapping the <span class="material-icons">add</span> icon.  Remove that Activity from Exhibit Mode by tapping the <span class="material-icons">check</span> icon.  The Activity menu can be sorted by activity type and intended audience.
The <span class="material-icons">dvr</span> Activities menu lets you preview Activities by tapping on them, and then select them for ‘Exhibit Mode’ by tapping the <span class="material-icons">add_circle</span> icon.  Remove that Activity from Exhibit Mode by tapping the <span class="material-icons">check_box</span> icon.  The Activity menu can be sorted by activity type and intended audience.


Latest revision as of 15:47, 24 March 2023

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Facilitators set up CLIO kiosks and get them working as part of an exhibit.

Quick Reference

We provide a single-page, double-sided Getting Started Facilitator Guide brochure. This guide can be printed on a cardstock and folded in half to be stored with the kiosks to assist facilitators with setup.

Additionally, we provide a flashcard-sized Getting Started Visitor's Guide that can be laminated and placed nearby kiosks for use by visitors.

Using a CLIO Exhibit Kiosk

Setting up the POP Kiosk

During storage, any mounting accessories were probably removed and the thumbscrews used to mount them were attached back to the case. First, we need to remove these thumbscrews so we can re-attach the mounting accessories. Next, orient the kiosk face down on a flat surface with the USB-C power port facing away from you. Attach the mount accessory to the bolt holes on the back or sides of the case.  The mounting accessory's thumbscrews can tightened and loosened to adjust the viewing angle.

Kiosk with Foot Attached
Kiosk with Foot Attached

The POP Kiosk requires a 5.1V 3A power supply with a high-quality cable and USB-C adapter to perform optimally. Once plugged in, the kiosk will turn on and enter into ‘Facilitator Mode’ automatically.  This interface allows facilitators to select their desired activities and change kiosk settings before entering ‘Exhibit Mode’.


Navigating Facilitator Mode

'Facilitator Mode' allows facilitators to configure the exhibit kiosk, allowing for more control over how it is integrated into the pop-up environment.  Facilitators can always access the menu bar, which provides access to a collection of submenus aimed at improving accessibility and live facilitation. Each icon along the top menu bar provides access to an integrated kiosk function.


The smart_display Exhibit menu lists your currently selected Activities.  Resume the previously loaded activities, choose from preset collections of activities, or select entirely new ones.  After selecting your activities, you can enter ‘Exhibit Mode’.


The emoji_people Facilitator menu provides facilitators with program information, such as goals, objectives, and facilitation instructions.  Discussions can provide quick reference information about questions related to the program.


The dvr Activities menu lets you preview Activities by tapping on them, and then select them for ‘Exhibit Mode’ by tapping the add_circle icon.  Remove that Activity from Exhibit Mode by tapping the check_box icon. The Activity menu can be sorted by activity type and intended audience.


The settings Settings menu controls the Interactive- or Kiosk-specific settings. Change the display brightness, customize the theme, choose which program is loaded and troubleshoot common problems. Visitors are able to alter some of these settings, such as Themes, using the Accessibility menu. These are the default settings the kiosk will return to when it is inactive.


The accessibility_new Accessibility menu allows the current user of the kiosk to change settings to their preference, whether they are a Facilitator or Visitor. Some Accessibility options will temporarily override those found in Settings, such as Themes. When the kiosk is inactive, Accessibility options are disabled and the default Settings are loaded.


The help Help menu provides quick reference information about getting the kiosk set up and into Exhibit Mode.

Getting into Exhibit Mode

Exhibit Mode displays the selected Activities for visitors to navigate and view in Activity Mode without allowing access to hardware and exhibit settings.

Open the dvr Activity menu. Tap on any activity to see a preview.  Return to the menu by tapping on the home Home button.

While on the dvr Activity menu or in a preview, tap on add_circle to select it.  Tap on the check_box to deselect it.

Open the smart_display Exhibit menu and tap on the play_circle ‘Enter Exhibit Mode’ button.

Returning to Facilitator Mode

If enabled, you can use a pre-configured PIN code to return to Facilitator Mode at any time. Tapping on the bottom right corner of the Exhibit Mode carousel screen twice times will display a settings Settings icon. Clinking on it will open a PIN pad. Entering the correct PIN will return you to Facilitator Mode.  The default Facilitator PIN code is 2546.


If you want to help contribute to CLIO, you've come to the right place. This is where we are trying to keep a living document based on CLIO and the way open-source technologies intersect with museums, libraries and cultural heritage centers. Sponsor us, add terms, update definitions, or provide language translations. Every little thing helps us to create a vibrant and open community geared towards one thing: equal access to technology, for everyone.

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Installation Look and Feel
Interaction Modes Developing Activity Types
Creating an Interactive Framework
Integrating CLIO Contribute