CLIO Educator Guide



Educators create the language and select the media that go into the activities for their audience.

Drafting Activity Content

Creating an Activity

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Activities are created through easily customizable activity templates, called Activity Types. You can make your own, or utilize the ones that are provided. The CLIO web application suite comes pre-installed with seventeen Activity Types that are designed specifically for use in an informal education or exhibit context. These activities are coded and stored as JSON files for use within CLIO, but we provide word processor templates to assist with collaboration during the development and drafting process.

Integrating CLIO into Your Educational Content

Creating a Kiosk

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You can use free and open-source software, alongside commodity or outdated hardware, to create an interactive kiosk to display within your institution.

Open-Source POP Kiosk

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The kiosk prototype used during pilot testing was constructed using off-the-shelf open-source hardware. It is powered by the Raspberry Pi 4 computer and official Raspberry Pi 7" touchscreen. The case was fabricated using consumer 3D printer. The total per-unit build cost per kiosk is $220. This low-cost and modular hardware configuration allow the kiosk to be assembled and deployed with minimal resources, while offering the flexibility, accessibility and maintainability to engage a variety of audiences in different learning contexts.

Embedding in Video Conference and Streaming Software

You can use Open Broadcaster Software to integrate CLIO and its activities into a video conference or live stream.

Integrating into Pre-Recorded Videos

You can use Open Broadcaster Software to integrate CLIO and its activities into pre-recorded videos that you can share online.

Embedding into a Blogging Platform

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When you host CLIO on a publicly accessible web server, it can be embedded directly into websites and blogging platforms, such as Wordpress.


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If you want to help contribute to CLIO, you've come to the right place. This is where we are trying to keep a living document based on CLIO and the way open-source technologies intersect with museums, libraries and cultural heritage centers. Sponsor us, add terms, update definitions, or provide language translations. Every little thing helps us to create a vibrant and open community geared towards one thing: equal access to technology, for everyone.