Understanding the CLIO URL Scheme

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The CLIO web application uses a URL query-based system to load the interface dynamically based on what parameters is based to it through the URL.  This can be thought of similarly to the way options are passed into a programming function.  When the CLIO web application directory is navigated to without any parameters, it will default to the full “Facilitator Mode” experience.

Using URL Parameters

By utilizing some URL configuration parameters, we can change how the web application will appear when loaded.  This is helpful for configuring how we would like any standalone kiosks to operate, such as automatically loading an exhibit or activity on startup, or for sending links to activities for use in remote lesson plans. 

We can navigate to a full facilitator mode experience using http://www.cliomuseums.org/clio/exhibit/. Parameters are attached to the end of the URL with a question mark ('?'). As an example, we can load the kiosk experience using http://www.cliomuseums.org/clio/exhibit/?mode=kiosk. Multiple arguments can be added together with an ampersand ('&'), such as https://www.cliomuseums.org/clio/exhibit/?program=NaturesNetworks&activity=salmon.


There are several options that can be configured through the URL.

Parameter Description Options
program This is the program to be loaded. This is the unique system id of the program, not the friendly name.  

For example, the “Getting Started” program has a system name of “Default”.

activity This is the activity to be loaded.

This requires that a program has been specified.

This is the unique system id of the activity, not the friendly name.
menu This is the menu section to be loaded.

This option will be ignored if there is a program and activity defined.

The system id of the menu, as defined below.

program: Activities Menu

facilitation: Facilitation Menu

settings: Settings Menu

accessibility: Accessibility Menu

about: Help Menu

mode This will configure the CLIO interface experience. The system id of the mode, as defined below.

kiosk: Facilitator mode with hardware control options

facilitator: Facilitator mode

exhibit: Exhibit mode. Requires program to be set.

activity: Activity mode. Requires program and activity to be set.

The mode setting will control navigation back up the interface. For instance, if mode=facilitator, then Activity Mode will allow kiosk users to return home to Exhibit Mode, and then return to facilitator mode with the PIN code. If mode=activity, then the home button is removed so access to Exhibit Mode is prevented. When mode=exhibit is defined, return to Facilitator Mode is allowed by default, but it can be disabled with a setting in the CLIO configuration file.

view Configure how activity links are displayed within the interface. 'list' or 'grid'
development Used by kiosk mode to enable hidden hardware settings. 'true' or 'false'


Example URL
Facilitator Mode http://www.cliomuseums.org/clio/exhibit/
Facilitator Mode, with the Settings menu loaded http://www.cliomuseums.org/clio/exhibit/?menu=settings
Kiosk Mode http://www.cliomuseums.org/clio/exhibit/?mode=kiosk
"Getting Started" Program in Exhibit Mode http://www.cliomuseums.org/clio/exhibit/?mode=exhibit&program=Default
"Visual Thinking" activity from the "Getting Started" Program in Activity Mode http://www.cliomuseums.org/clio/exhibit/?mode=activity&program=Default&activity=prototype
"Getting Started" Program in Exhibit Mode, with the "Visual Thinking" activity loaded http://www.cliomuseums.org/clio/exhibit/?mode=exhibit&program=Default&activity=prototype
Installation Look and Feel
Interaction Modes Developing Activity Types
Creating an Interactive Framework
Integrating CLIO Contribute