CLIO Design Proposals



Numerous proposals were drafted for CLIO and its precursors with each one improving on the last by widening the scope. These proposals are provided to illustrate the design process and evolution of the CLIO project from its inception.

Burke Museum

Oral History Kiosk

We submitted a proposal for University of Washington’s Resilience and Compassion Lab micro seed grant named “Many Voices: A Storytelling Toolkit for Community-Based Oral History Projects”.  The project would be based on previous work by the Eastwick Oral History Project[1] at the University of Pennsylvania.  We would fabricate an interactive kiosk exhibit for the Burke Museum and it would use entirely free- and open-source technologies.

BurkeBox Object Kiosk

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BurkeMobile Object Kiosk

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Slater Museum

Nature in the Classroom Online

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Evergreen State College

Community-Focused Technology Development

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