Using CLIO on a Blog



When you host CLIO on a publicly accessible web server, it can be embedded directly into websites and blogging platforms, such as Wordpress.

Understanding CLIO URL Parameters

The CLIO web application uses a URL query-based system to load the interface dynamically based on what parameters is based to it through the URL.  This can be thought of similarly to the way options are passed into a programming function.  When the CLIO web application directory is navigated to without any parameters, it will default to the full “Facilitator Mode” experience.

Embedding CLIO Activities using an Inline Frame

An Inline Frame, also known as an iframe, is an HTML5 element that can be used to embed one website within another website. These elements require some inline parameters to work properly. Your web server may also require some minor configuration depending on the hosting environment.

<iframe> Element

This is a default iframe element you can use to embed a CLIO Exhibit or Activity into your website.


