Creating a Path Finder Activity


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Within our Getting Started Package, you will find a Template folder. We have provided a template for the configuration file, which is used by the CLIO interface to set up the activity. We also include a content drafting template created in Microsoft Word that can aid collaboration when creating activities as part of a development team.



These are configuration settings specific to this activity type.

Property Description Expected Parameters Examples
Scale to Fit Should the image be scaled to fill the screen, or should it remain at its full size and be centered? True or False
Scale to Fit - Small Screen
Scale to Fit - Large Screen
Image This is the image that will be annotated. Image File
Image source for the background
Header Optional. This can be used to display a "name plate" in the bottom right corner. Plain Text
Header that is used for the "name plate".
Description Optional. This is the description displayed when the Header "name plate" is touched. Rich Text
Dimensions - Height The pixel height of the image to be annotated.  This is used by ScaleToFit. Unitless integer [ 0 - 9999]
Height of the image
Dimensions - Width The pixel width of the image to be annotated.  This is used by ScaleToFit. Unitless integer [ 0 - 9999]
Width of the image

Creating the Activity

Define the Activity

All CLIO activities, regardless of their Activity Type, contain many of the same configuration settings.  These are used to configure the screen and load the correct content.  By defining this information, we can begin to draft more specific activity content.  This information is included in both the drafting template and the coding template provided with each activity type.

Drafting the Content

Open the provided Content Template for drafting the Annotated Image activity.  First, we must decide on the basic descriptive information for the activity, such as the title, description, preview image and theme.  This information is required because it is used by the CLIO interface to properly display the activity.

Next, we can start to write the content needed for the Annotated Image activity type.  This activity type displays an image and provides additional context to help inform users about areas of interest.  

First, we need to decide on the image we would like to use, and how to describe it. You are required to provide a location for each image, but you are not required to provide a title or description.  Entering this information will generate buttons along the bottom of the screen providing context for the image.  Finally, we should decide whether or not we want this image to scale with the window, or remain centered.

Once we have the images decided, we can begin to work on the Look Closer buttons.  To help visualize the activity, it may be helpful to mark whether you are going to use fixed or invisible Look Closer buttons, or whether we want users to be able to hide them.  For each button we wish to add, we will need to duplicate the template to add additional buttons.  For this example, we’ll only need one Look Closer button.

Now that we’ve duplicated the template, we can begin filling in the missing data.  We will need a title for the Look Closer button, that is displayed within the pop-up window, as well as the gallery content we’d like to display when the button is clicked.  Additionally, we can choose which  icon to use and how to scale it within the button.

Each Look Closer button can be configured to appear at a different place on the image, so we will need to choose “x” and “y” coordinates for each button.  This position, measured in pixels, is stored as (x,y) coordinates relative to the top left corner of the screen (0,0).  Example: entering (100,100) will move the Look Closer button right and down by 100 pixels.  If you have the “fixed” option set to false, you can also set the radius of each button.

Coding the Activity

The next step will be to take the content that was created in the Content template and begin to migrate it into the Configuration template.  We will need to open the provided Configuration Template for drafting the Annotated Image activity.  This can be done in a plain text editor, but for the purpose of this manual we will be using  

This is how the configuration file will appear once opened within JSONEditorOnline.  Our first step will be duplicating the necessary fields to ensure that we can enter all of the data that we’ve spent time drafting.  In our previous example, we decided to use one Look Closer button within our activity, so we should start by making sure we have one Look Closer buttons within the configuration file.

Within this configuration file, the first Look Closer button within the activity is labeled as ‘1’, underneath the Tooltips object.  You’ll notice that there is also a second tooltip already, titled ‘2’.  For this activity, we don’t need it and can remove it by clicking the small box beside ‘2’.  From there, we can select ‘Remove’ to delete it.

Now, we start to copy over the information we drafted earlier and provide more information to the interface about the activity we’re creating.  Using JSONEditorOnline, we can simply click on the values to edit them.  Copying text from your drafting template, you can paste it into the appropriate fields. Let’s start with the configuration information, for our image and our Look Closer buttons.

First, we can configure the image we would like to use for the activity.  If we want to display informational placards about each image, we can also enter the “Header” and “Description”.  Based on how we want to utilize the activity type, we can also set our “References Configuration”, which is used for changing how we want to display the Look Closer buttons.

Now that we’ve configured our image and decided how we want to display our Look Closer buttons, our final step will be adding them to the activity.  Previously, we removed the extra template tooltip to ensure that we just one for our activity.

Using what we wrote in our content template, we can begin to populate these fields.  Remember: position is entered in pixels, relative to (0,0), which is defined as the upper left corner.  Radius will be ignored if you’re Look Closer buttons are configured to be “fixed”.  We also need to define a custom icon, if we want one, and how it should be scaled.

Finally, we need to enter the images and captions that we want to use for our Look Closer pop-ups.  Within our content draft, we had chosen to use two images and our configuration file already has space for two images.

Once you are finished, you can download the finished JSON file by clicking ‘Save’ and then ‘Save to Disk’.  This file can be copied to the Program’s @Activity folder, and the media can be copied to the Program’s @Media directory.