Configuring CLIO Facilitator Discussions


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Within each Program, there is a @Facilitation folder that contains all the information used by the Facilitator menu. Within this folder, there is a @Discussion folder that contains all of the Discussions configured for this program.

Understanding the @Discussions Folder

This directory contains all of the Discussions that will be used by the Facilitator menu.  Each file within this folder will be scanned and added to the Discussions section.

Creating a Discussion

Each discussion that is visible in the Discussion section of the Facilitation menu is loaded from the configuration files within a Program’s ‘@Facilitation’ directory.  To add another discussion, you only need to duplicate an existing one and update the content.  Below, I have opened the Hardware discussion in a JSON editor.

Similar to Activities, all of the information for a Discussion is stored within a single JSON file.  Each discussion has a name and description, as well as two configurable rich text blocks that can be used to provide different levels of information based on the audience.

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